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Jennifer Mackley - Smile Though Your Heart Is Aching

Peter Mackley

A Tribute from Peter Mackley, November 4th 2021

Smile though your heart is aching!

How typical of my Mum to choose that song to be played at her memorial!

Even in this, the most saddest of times, she would want to be remembered with a smile.

I know all our hearts are aching but please do my Mum a favour. Let’s all take a moment to reflect on her life, and to celebrate her achievements.

Let’s smile and think about the way she enriched all our lives in some way or another

Let’s smile and think of the wonderful moments we shared together.

Let’s smile and think of how our world has been a better place because of her in it.

I only have to look around today to see how she reached out to so many people, how much joy she has spread around her, and how much joy she will continue to spread as we will always remember her with a warm heart and, of course, a huge smile.

Our family has taken great comfort from so many messages and cards that have highlighted how special she was to so many people. If I may borrow some of the comforting words from the many cards we received, she will be remembered with fondness for her kindness and generosity ,her warmth and hospitality, her unflagging dedication, her relaxed sense of humour, her unassuming nature, her sense of playfulness, her fascinating stories.

Mum had a way of keeping in touch and bringing people together. As today proves, it’s yet another fitting tribute that today she has brought together friends and family who have not seen each other in years.

Others remember fondly her many talents – her skilled needlework and beautiful tapestries, her knowledge of books and their authors was legendary, (I quote again) her calm organizational skills and (one of my favourites from some French friends), it was thanks to Jennifer that we discovered parsnips!!!

I Quote: “We have always had the greatest respect for her”. “She was the calming influence with the warm smile“, “It was a pleasure to have known her”.

If only she could hear all these kinds words of how she touched so many people – but I’m sure in her heart she always knew. She was indeed a special lady for so many people, and she will continue to be. That, if anything, made her life worthwhile.

For many my Mum inspired a love of reading. Some former colleagues noted how she made the school library such a cheerful and welcoming place. She always had the time to listen and help. For me she encouraged a love of music: From singing me songs when I was small to buying me music magazines and records as treats. She took me to my first pop concert and accompanied me to buy my first ever single – the first of thousands. I remember it well … and how true those words are today … “now those miss you nights are the longest”!

One particular song she played a lot was by Simon & Garfunkel. She used to say it was her all-time favourite song. The lyrics are so pertinent, she could have written them herself for me or my brother:

If ever I was feeling down she would comfort me

If I was feeling tired or weary, she would give me strength

If I needed a friend, she was always there

If I needed help, she would offer wise advice but without ever interfering – how difficult must that have when she watched on as a grandmother as we took inspiration from her to raise children of our own.

But when the time came to sail off to the horizons and reach for my dreams, she and my Dad were there right behind me, helping me along, guiding the way, letting me shine - even if it led me a long way from home. She gave me confidence in myself and a belief that I could succeed in whatever I chose to do. What greater gift could a parent give a child? While all the time being a safety net in case I should fail. She was indeed my bridge over troubled waters.

My Mum never liked having her photo taken – in fact, she often joked that the camera lens would crack if it was pointed at her, but nevertheless we have collected together a few family photos that we would like to share with you while listening to one of her favourite songs. Please take a moment to reflect on her wonderful life, to be thankful for those moments shared together and to take inspiration from how she enriched the lives of those around her.

Thank you Mum. I’m blessed to have you as my mother and proud of what you achieved. For me, just like everyone else here today, you will always be remembered with love , with respect … and always with a warm smile.


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