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Skegness Town Bowling Club

Writer: Jim MackleyJim Mackley

Updated: Jan 17, 2021

Soon after I retired in 2000, I learned to play bowls and joined Skegness Town outdoor Bowling Club. I enjoy playing bowls in the summer months. I have been a team captain for 19 seasons. For several years I was either Vice-President or Secretary of the club (for a few months, both!). Some years ago, with Jon’s help, I prepared this leaflet, which I update each year.

Welcome to Skegness Town Bowling Club

Briar Close, Briar Way, Skegness, PE25 3QB

Tel: 01754 765456

President: Tony Daffin

Secretary: Cath Benton

The club was originally founded in the early 1900s, playing in the grounds of the Lumley Hotel. It bought the land for its current green from the Earl of Scarbrough in 1935 at a cost of £336 16s. The green was laid at a cost of £120. Until the 1980s, the main access was via the cricket field, with only a pedestrian access from Briar Close. The membership has fluctuated consid- erably over the years. There were nearly 90 members in the early nineties, but just over 30 fifteen years later. The current membership is around 40.

The bowling green is situated in pleasant surroundings, with good car parking facilities. Our aim is to be a friendly club, which welcomes new members and visitors alike. We have seven league teams, all mixed. There are two teams in the East Lincolnshire League and the Skegness Afternoon League and one team each in the Skegness Evening League, the Lindsey Marsh League and the Louth Wolds Afternoon League. We also host a number of friendly matches, usually on a Sunday afternoon, with visiting teams mostly from towns and cities in the East Midlands.

We hold annual singles, pairs and triples competitions, with the winners’ names going on the Honours Board. The green is available to members for social or casual bowling at all times during the season, except when there are matches or when work is being done on the green.

The Club Constitution

The Club exists to enable people in the Skegness area to play bowls. It is open to anyone who wishes to join regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs.

There has to be an Annual General Meeting (AGM) every year in the autumn. The main purposes of the AGM are for members to receive the accounts and elect the officers and members of the Club Committee. At the AGM, members also fix subscriptions and green fees and decide which leagues and competitions the Club is going to enter.

There can be up to 14 members on the Club Committee, but there does not have to be that many. The Committee members include the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Fixture Secretary and the team Captains, though some of these may do more than one job.

The Committee is responsible for the running of the Club, including deciding who may join the club and disciplinary matters. Any complaints of misconduct will be dealt with in accordance with rules laid down at national level.

Each captain is responsible for selecting the players for his team.

The Club Constitution also lays down detailed rules on what the Club can and cannot do with regard to finance and the property. It also lays down the procedure to be followed if members wish to wind up the Club.

Bowling Green Etiquette

10 Things to remember

  1. Players should always be careful when stepping on or off the Bowling Green.

  2. Bowls should not be dropped on the Green.

  3. Do not stand too close to the verges.

  4. Bowls should not be kicked in until the shot has been decided.

  5. After delivering a Bowl, a player must retire behind the mat or advance to the head, as appropriate, when the Bowl has come to rest. He should not take up a position in between, or walk on to another rink, even if it is not in use.

  6. Don't delay the game.

  7. Don't wander around or move about the head when a player is about to deliver a Bowl.

  8. Bowling is a friendly game and all players should show courtesy and good sportsmanship.

  9. All Bowlers should know the Rules of the Game.

  10. Mobile Phones should not be used on or around the green.

With thanks to Hodginsons Sollicitors, kind sponsors of Skegness Town Bowling Club


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